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    How to create an Epic Games account

    How to create a new Epic Games account

    To play Fortnite, access the Epic Games Launcher or log into any other Epic Games game you need create an Epic Games account. The operation in question can be carried out in two ways: at the start of a game (on PC or console) or via a Web browser. You will find everything explained below.

    How to create an Epic Games account on PC

    How to create an Epic Games account

    Epic Games allows you to play some of its games without creating a special account but, to enable some features, you must necessarily have a full profile.

    My advice, therefore, is to create a complete Epic Games profile using a common browser for Internet browsing. To proceed, therefore, connected to the official website of Epic Games and press the button Log in, present at the top right.

    At this point, clicca sulla voce Subscribe, present at the bottom, then on one of the icons related to social networks (I recommend you PlayStation, if you have a PS4, or Xbox, if you have a Microsoft console), otherwise fill out the form that appears on the screen to register through yours email address.

    Then fill in the fields Your name, Last name, Visualized name (minimum 3 and maximum 16 characters), Email e Password. After that, check the box I have read and accept: terms of service and press the gray button CREATE ACCOUNT. You will thus receive anconfirmation email and, to activate your account, all you have to do is click on the link contained in it.

    Perfect, now you can use the new credentials to access Epic Games services from any platform. Seen? It wasn't that difficult.

    How to create an Epic Games account

    Alternatively, you could consider following the instructions that appear on the screen the first time you start an Epic Games product, which explain just how to create an account of this type.

    Generally speaking, you just have to type in the above give and validate the email address via a e-mail message but, rather than via the browser, everything happens directly within the game.

    How to create an Epic Games account on PS4

    How to create an Epic Games account

    In case you want to carry out this operation directly from PlayStation 4, you will need to download the game in which you want to use the Epic Games account, start it and enter the required data, or take advantage of the console's integrated browser.

    To explain myself better, I will illustrate you how to create an Epic Games account for Fortnite. The first time this game is launched, the user is prompted to create a new Epic Games account, log in with an existing one, or skip this step.

    To create the account, that's enough enter the requested data e validate the email through the appropriate confirmation link. If, on the other hand, you decide to skip this step, Epic Games creates a temporary profile that can later be transformed into a normal account: for more details, I suggest you consult my guide on how to switch accounts on Fortnite.

    If, on the other hand, you want to use a browser, click onWWW icon present on the PlayStation 4 home page and follow the instructions I explained in the chapter on how to create an Epic Games account on PC (the procedure is the same). For more details on the PlayStation 4 browser, I invite you to consult the official PlayStation guidelines.

    In case of dubbi or problem

    How to create an Epic Games account

    In certain cases, you may encounter unexpected problems and therefore want to contact the Epic Games Help Center. Well, if you continue reading I will immediately explain how to do this.

    To use the service, you just need to connect to the official Epic Games support site and press onproduct icon on which you want to receive assistance (eg Fortnite, Epic Games Store & Launcher etc.). Excellent, at this point the support site related to the software you have chosen will open.

    Generally speaking, all you have to do is write one short description the problem you encountered in the appropriate testo field, read and put into practice the instructions that appear on the screen and press the button CONTACT US in case you need the help of an operator.

    Let's take a concrete example: in case you want to create an account directly from Fortnite, press ongame icon and write "account”In the search bar at the top right. After that, read all the posts you think are relevant and try to put into practice what is recommended directly by Epic Games.

    How to create an Epic Games account

    In case you just can't reach your goal on your own, press on the item CONTACT US present at the top right and type Language, Your name (optional), Email address e Platform (platform). Then, select the item "Account linking problems“, Type a short description of the problem you encountered in the box below and enter the security text.

    Finally, tap on the item SEND to get your request to the Epic Games experts, who will contact you as soon as possible by email. For all the relevant information, I suggest you consult my guide on how to contact Epic Games.

    How to create an Epic Games account

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