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    How to create DVD menus

    Index:DVDStyler (Windows / macOS / Linux)DVDFab DVD Creator (Windows / macOS)Other programs for creating DVD menusDVDStyler (Windows / macOS / Linux)If you intend to make a DVD in an amateur way, surely you will have come up with the idea of ​​including menus, […]

    How to create a screensaver

    “Standard” functions to create a screensaverFirst of all, let's try to understand how to create a customized screeensaver on Windows and Mac using the functions already included in both operating systems. The operations to be carried out are very simple and […]

    How to create a Supercell ID

    Preliminary informationBefore getting to the heart of this tutorial and explaining, in detail, how to create a Supercell ID, you may find it useful to know what the service in question is and what it is for.Supercell ID is a free service that allows you to […]

    How to make a mod for Minecraft

    Preliminary informationPrima di enter the dettaglio della procedura su how to make a mod for minecraft, I think it might interest you to know more about this possibility offered by the Mojang title.Mods are nothing more than "modifications" that are made to the […]

    How to Record on Twitch

    Preliminary informationBefore getting to the heart of the matter and showing you, in practice, how to record on Twitch, it will be better to make a brief introduction that will help you "see clearly" on the rules concerning the registration and sharing of content […]

    How to register a Samsung product

    Preliminary informationPrima di enter the live of this tutorial and spiegarti how to register a Samsung product, you may find it useful to know what are the advantages of registering a new product from the famous Korean company.Accessing Samsung Members, the platform […]

    How to create a sitemap

    Preliminary informationBefore going into the details of this guide and explain yourself how to create a sitemap, it is necessary to make a necessary distinction between site map (often also called sitemap) e Sitemap XML.The first is a normal Web page in which a […]

    How to create backup copies

    Index:How to create backup copies (Windows)How to make backup copies (Mac)How to make backup copies (Android)How to make backup copies (iOS)How to create backup copies (Windows)On PCs running Windows, you can set up your device backup via the Microsoft OneDrive […]

    How to create Hotmail accounts

    How to create a Hotmail account from your computerwant create a Hotmail account from your computer? As I told you in the introduction of the guide, this is undoubtedly the most comfortable solution you can take to achieve the goal you have set yourself. All you […]

    How to take surveys on Facebook

    Making polls on Facebook from a computerDo you want to find out how to make polls on Facebook from your computer? So, to start with, start the web browser you usually use to surf the net, type in the address bar, press the key Submit on the keyboard […]