How to build an online courseThere are numerous elements to consider in order to understand how to build an online course well structured and at the same time engaging and rich in content. Of course, your first task will be to determine thetopic which will be the […]
Index:How to get an online hard drive with BoxHow to have an online hard drive with Google DriveHow to have an online hard drive with DropboxOther services to create an online hard driveHow to get an online hard drive with BoxAmong the services that I recommend […]
How to create a custom thumbnail for YouTubeLet's see immediately how to create a custom thumbnail for youtube using some software, online services and apps useful for this purpose. Before proceeding, however, I remind you that, as we read on the Google site, […]
Skype (Windows / macOS / mobile)If you are using a recent version of Skype (from 8 upwards), you should know that you can record your calls and video calls without resorting to any third party solution. Skype, in fact, integrates a cloud-based recording system […]
How to create iPhone photo video for freeWhat do you think of creating an original idea by assembling your favorite images together and maybe doing it even without paying a penny? I see that you are interested in it! Below, therefore, I have selected for you some […]
Create a site with Google Sites (New version)If you mean create a site with Google Sites, start by connecting to the home page of the service using a browser for browsing the Internet, such as Google Chrome. On the page that appears, the first step you need to […]
How to create a new folder on the PCYou want to find out how to create a new folder on your PC? Then follow the instructions on what to do for Windows e MacOS which you find below. It's very simple, you have absolutely nothing to worry about, I give you my word.WindowsIf […]
Register a domain on GoogleGoogle Domains is a service that allows you to register a domain for a fee, starting from 12 euros / year. Although it is also available in the city, at the time of writing this guide it is not possible to register domains with .com extension.To […]
Create aliasesAs a rule, this is not possible create multiple Instagram accounts with the same email, as such a possibility could cause unexpected events of various kinds during operations that make the use of the e-mail box essential (eg resetting the password).However, […]
Register on Anywhere.FMConnect to the Anywhere.FM home page and click on the button Enjoy! in the window Welcome to Anywhere.FM that opens. To register for the service, click on the yellow button Sign Up! top right.In the window that opens, enter your username […]